It has been awhile since there has been a dedicated space to keep you updated about the happenings around here. Quite a few interesting events and activities have taken place in 2017 ! One thing new is that we have a website again. What a crazy thing to have happen, our site was down for about a year. But, making lemonade from lemons, we are finally getting around to a more complete site that will share current happenings as well as reflect on the history of John’s career and works. In case you are wondering, the image at the top of the page is a little blast from the past, Illinois Landscape #5 at Governor’s State University.
Also in May, Dallas’ Geometric MADI Musuem celebrated the opening of a one person exhibition of John’s work. Dallas has become a very special place to John as it is home to his largest work (yet), Tatlin’s Sentinel. Not only monumental in scale at over 101′ high, it is also huge in all our hearts as it pays homage to the roots of John’s aesthetic as well as highlighting his versatility and virtuosity! Here he is, rockin’ some stripes and telling a story at the Geometric MADI reception. Just so happens that is a model of Tatlin and an image of the iconic piece behind the maestro!
In May, 2017 John’s Zach’s Tower was installed in downtown Milwaukee for Sculpture Milwaukee. The piece is situated in front of the Milwaukee Hilton Hotel on the corner of Fifth and Wisconsin. The exhibition, which includes 21 sculptures from world reknowned artists, is up until October 22, 2017.
If you find yourself in the Milwaukee area, take a stroll down Wisconsin and enjoy the work.

Another view of Tatlin’s Sentinel at home in the Hall Art’s District, Dallas, Texas.
Illinois Landscape #5, 1976, (seen in silhouette at dawn at the top of the page) was John’s signature monumental work, until Tatlin’s Sentinel was first unveiled at Laumeier Sculpture Park, St Louis, MO, but the sprawling horizontal work still covers the most ground at 134′ in length!
Our gratitude to Michael Samples of Richardson, Texas for the use of his spectacular photograph!
In July, John and Pamela spent a little “down time” in Miami, the city where the pair first laid eyes on one another, as guests of the Hotel Beaux Arts.
Marriott International recently acquired the gem of a hotel to be a part of their Autograph Collection, devoted to luxe living. The boutique hotel atmosphere is liberally dosed with original artwork and currently houses “Red Sonata” thanks to Miami based ArtScape Lab Gallery.
Pamela snapped several incredible shots of the views from the room, but we thought you might like to see the piece…

The new bench!!!!
With just 26 in this edition we don’t expect them to be around for long. This piece, designed to coordinate and complement the previous sold out bench edition, is now available for order. Just call the studio or send an email and someone will fire up the welder and get right on it!